12 июл. 2012 г.

Information Supermarket The Atrium

Sculpture exhibition by Andrew Vasilenko. Music accompaniment by Anton Paramashikvan&Den, performance of the Sevastopol writer Yuri Ostretsov.

As I have promised before, I’d like to tell you about very unusual exhibition-installation “SOCIAL FormART” by Andrew Vasilenko. It takes place at the Information Supermarket “The Atrium” at the very beginning of June. But my impressions of it are still fresh and bright, as it was yesterday! It means that author and all the team, who helped him, have created a very interesting performance, the real eye-catcher, and they succeed in its main purpose: to gives us something to think, to look around and to ask some important questions to ourselves.

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The first moment I like in this exhibition that Andrew is very deliberate in his works. All his installations have it own sense and meaning on the contrary to many other fancy “contemporary arts”. It is not an empty pageantry, show just for show. Andrew knew well, what ideas he wants to bring to our minds, what impression should make his works, what he is calling upon.
Combination of metal and natural grass, grown during some months by him, has so strong message. It can not be misunderstand by all of us – urbanites with the minds, tuned at the urban life. Ask yourself: how often you rejoiced when seeing green grass on the garden-beds? You are just passing it through in your routine path “work-home”. Are we ready to change our dogmatic vision of our place in the world? These visions in our minds are like heavy metal doors, closed with the solid locks. And we are like made from hard metal – unchangeable, rigid; it is necessary to put a lot of efforts to make us softer, gentler…and more vivid.

Andrew says ‘…All these works came into my mind through some interesting events and adventures of my life. Sometimes they may be reflecting my pain, and this pain has a deep reason. I am calling upon all of you to make your lives more correct in relation to the whole World.’
‘One idea is appearing very often in my mind: what our planet looks like in the clearer environment and more humane universe…’
‘The aim of one of my works is to show people how foul and unfairly looks every man with a skinflint mind. The idea of the second one is to show: every person can rise himself, straighten up if he only can believe in the own force.’
‘The third my work is more fundamental. Here the man reaches for the nature and the nature also reaches for him. The more close every man to the nature, the clearer and “greener” he became.’
“The main aim of my exhibition was to collect the people’s opinions, make them think…’

All these tree works are really very bright and urgent.
The first one: the hand stretched to money and stepped foot on it, pierced with a nail. This work says: our urge to earn money is obvious and necessary men’s characteristics. It moves us forward, makes us to develop our constructive abilities and abilities to create material benefits for the own life. Money is just a universal way to show these benefits. So if you trying to prevent somebody in his creation, in his self-development or in making the world better, you should be stopped immediately. The nail should be driven into the foot, which stands at the way of self-development.
The second one: a hand follows the example of the strong and purposeful blade of grass and sprouts through the asphalt of the city road. Everyone should believe in his own forces, in the ability to change himself and the world and people around in a better way.

The third one: a man made from metal plates reaches for the grass, which symbolize the nature. And this grass starts to sprout in his hand, in his heart, in his mind. Our hands – is our activities, our deeds. We manifest ourselves in the world through our deeds; show our place in this world. So our deeds describe the real value of our senses and mind – our hearts and our thoughts. The main slogan: keep the nature, increase and improve it. And you became more ecologic, clearer and healthier inside. And you obtain a new energy for your activities. This is a closed circle, but you need to start it up. And you can do it only with your deliberate deeds.
Very visual, evident and demonstrative installation and very in-time, I think.
I wish a lot of new flashes of inspiration to Andrew and new possibilities to study from his works to all of us.

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