21 авг. 2012 г.

Sevastopol Paintress Elena Melkova

I was charmed with this landscape:
it is at the same time so realistic and so airy-joyful. It is easy to imaging myself walking by the old streets of Prague, breathing its’ fresh air, visiting numerous sweet shops…
It is so real, but so dreaming at once…

Café-gallery “MadTea-party

‘Mad Tea-party’ delight us with the renewed lasagna.
If you are curious enough, on the café’s site you can find some curious facts about the term “lasagna”. And when you move from the internet space of  “Mad tea-party’ to the real one, you will be impressed by its interior.
It is not café, it is the Cheshire Cat’s house – slightly mad,
but at the same time very wise!

Photographer Sergey Krush

An autumn of amber and gold,
filigree worked out every tree, every stone and a river.
It seems that every leaf, twig and blade of grass – everyone has its own voice.
And all these piccolo voices are merging into the harmony-sounded chorus. 

You can easily call this photography painting…
or melody of colors – at your own choice.

2 авг. 2012 г.

Congratulations to everybody!
 Today on the July 29th Sevastopol celebrates the double holiday: Holiday of the Ukrainian Fleet and holiday of the Russian Navy.
The city of Sevastopol is a naval city from its foundation, it was a hero naval base at the World War II and in the USSR period; now it is a base for two national Navies – Russian and Ukrainian one. Thus the Fleet Day here is almost equal to the city birthday and we celebrate it with a proper range and enthusiasm. How is invited to the fest – everybody from local citizens to visitors from all parts of the Ukraine and from abroad. Tickets to Sevastopol for this day are usually bought up weeks before.

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Sevastopol Paintress Elena Melkova

Let me assume:
these are cocktail cups – for mint refreshing mojito,
or chilly strawberry mojito…
for something very-very summer anyway.