12 июн. 2013 г.

BY   S O L O 

This week-end our city celebrates the anniversary of the oldest city's museum complex "The Historic Boulevard"
Now the Historic Boulevard is one of the biggest parks in the city and a popular place for rest and pastime among citizens and tourists. But in the beginning of the history of Sevastopol at the place of Boulevard was built the defense line of Russian army against the united armies of Great Britain and France during the Crimean campaign 1853-1856. At these hills stand three bastions, which protected the main strategic points of the city? The strong fights of the Russian defenders against the union armies took part here 2 centuries ago.

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16 мая 2013 г.

230th anniversary of Black Sea Fleet

13th of May is an important day for Sevastopol. In the year 1783 a small fleet
of 17 ships headquartered by Admiral Theodor Klokachov
had entered the Akhtiar Bay in the Black Sea.

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5 апр. 2013 г.

BY  S O L O 
The Winter’s Last Attempt.

The last decade of March was marked in the all middle-European region as a back of real winter. It was not nice and fun; somewhere it was a real accident!

A huge amounts of snow has totally paralyzed the traffic, distant villages was cut off from electricity, snow slides in the mountains…

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23 мар. 2013 г.

 About my novel "Hightower shadow"

If you are still interested in books about elves and gnomes, vampires and werewolves, you should not read this novel!

If you afraid to leave well-known fantasy-worlds – well described, included maps and detailed instructions to survive and similar as beans from one pod – you should not enter this world!

New heroes are acting here and new rules are valid here. This unknown world does not want to be drawn at the map.

Practically everything in this world is dangerous. Natural elements are so unsteady. Water does not want to be liquid, it can be fluid and viscous and even as hard as a rock. The air can solidify and the fire is self-willed as a wild beast. Rocks are growing during the night and melting in the next day. Dry lands covered with motley bushes are traveling all the time and all time changing its shapes. The plants and animals are also changeable.

People from this world call themselves as thought-creators: they can transform their thoughts into the physical impact at the surrounding nature. Without this ability people could not survive in this strange world. The surviving, the wellbeing and even the social status depend from the range of thought-creator’s force. The strongest ones can rule the cities. Cities provide security to all its’ people. To loose citizenship is equal to loose your life.

Hightower Shadow” is a novel about a boy living in this very dangerous and changeable world. This novel is about his searches, which are sometimes successful, sometimes are not. Nyron searches answers about his mother’s death; he searches for powerful protectors because he is too weak; he searches for friends, but more often he met enemies. His difficult character is not the only reason why just a little boy has so many enemies around. There is another reason and it goes deep into the past of his family.

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9 мар. 2013 г.

Photographer Alexey Shestakov

Demerji in winter – is a magic mountain tale with a fantastic rocks looking like animals,
people and fairy-tale characters.
I was really conquered by this chocolate-brown horse!!!

More photos are under the reference...
Sevastopol Paintress Elena Melkova

When seeing these funny boxes at the first time, I have had two exclamations and one question in a flash. “Charming!” “I want it!” “Who could I present this lovely thing?”
Really, when you meet something so stylish, so nice and pleasant-looking, you don’t want enjoy it alone! Much better could be to share this pleasure with someone else. To share your happiness and good mood.
Helen is not just a paintress, she is also a hand-maker with a bright, cheerful fantasy. You can use her color boxes as a needle-holder, case for accessories and bijouterie. You even can keep inside your very hearty secret: your wedding ring!

3 февр. 2013 г.

"The Slightly Stained Thoughts" by Gennady Yakshin at Sevastopol Art
Museum by M.P. Kroshitsky.

The Sevastopol Art Museum by M.P. Kroshitsky invites our citizens and
guests at the exhibition by Gennady Yakshin, which was recently
opened at the Museum.
An exhibition called "The Slightly Stained Thoughts" includes about 20
paintings created in a completely new style. Every painting has a
special attribute - stains, which cover the places of the picture and
add some uncertainty, incompleteness, even a mystery to its subject.
In the frameworc of the exhibition it is planned an open discussion of
paintings. Everyone could say his own opinion on these works and
discuss it with the author, who will be happy to know the different
viewpoints at the suggested topics. This is a new and very interesting
possibility, so don't waste your chance to use it! The exhibition will
works up to 20th of February.
An animation film festival "Under the Magic Lantern"

An animation film festival "Under the Magic Lantern"
on the 2nd of February at the informational supermarket "The Atrium"
(Trade centre "The Musson") will start the animation film festival
"Under the Magic Lantern".
Its participants from the children animation studio "The Magic
Lantern" will show their own works. Animation films shown there are
made both by children and elderly masters. All the works will be
evaluated by the spectators - they will choose the best children's
works; and the prizes to an adult animators will be awarded only by
young audience.
Those who visit this festival, will have a great opportunity to know
more about the process of creation the animation film in its details.
And trough these small masterpieces of the young creators any could
see the world with the children's eyes - sincere, amazing, even a
little bit philosophic.
Festival starts at 15 p.m. Admittance is free.

29 янв. 2013 г.

BY   S O L O

The consequence of the global warming: it is the middle of January now and the thermometer shows +10C and even more during the day.
May be my thermometer need a repair and tuning? Where is the coldness and frost which are accompanying the Christian Epiphany day?
Where is the snow in winter. Not this year, I suppose. If you need snow, take a one-day trip to the top of Aj-Petri mountain.
There you'll see a real white winter with a crispy snow and white shining sun. Sevastopol under the snow -- it is a rare picture -- one for a 2-3 year.
In the case of nostalgia you can open the photo-album and remember these unique moments!

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18 нояб. 2012 г.

 BY  S O L O

My warmest congratulations to all people live at the shores of the Black Sea – the best sea in the world! Last day of October is marked as an International Black Sea Day. In the year 1996 six countries from Black Sea region (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine) had approved “The Strategic Plan on Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea”. This Plan was created after the long process of researches and studies of the Black Sea’s biosphere.

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Needlework from Olga Solodukha

The girl-friend of the Mauve Hare is missing her sweetheart.
They should be together and combine the pink heart – this heart is completely like
the real one: it is also can fall in love

Informational Supermarket “The Atrium” has a lot of interesting ideas for your interior. Most of these things are handmade.
For example this mini sewing machine is a nice present for any professional seamstress, dressmaker, fashion designer or modeler…
and for an amateur too :)

Café-gallery “MadTea-party

Café-gallery ‘Mad Tea-party’ invites all of us to taste a new cheesecake:
delicate cheese soufflé with the bright taste of orange zest rest on the
crispy chocolate basement. And the top of this construction is nicely decorated
with natural jelly made from fresh fruits
and blackberries.  

17 сент. 2012 г.

Photographer Sergey Krush

This photo brings me up an association with
one song by the rock-band “Aria” called “Somewhere in the high…”.
Clouds start to twirling and pull into a huge sky whirlpool.

Sevastopol Paintress Elena Melkova

This wonderful aquarelle reminds me Indian painting on silk.
The colors are so vivid and bright, you can fell the flower smell… I think it’s a tulip’s smell – my favorite flowers.

Café-gallery “MadTea-party

“The Mad Tea-party” introduces:
a new vegetable pie “Ratatouille”! It combines juicy and airiness of fresh vegetables
and minimum calories. “The Mad Tea-party” is concerned about our shape! 

Information Supermarket The Atrium

I like coffee very much and this Coffee-Fairy is really inspiring me!
She is so magic and cosy at the same time; her pockets are full of magic coffee-beans;
she can tell a lot of magic stories to children
(but only when adults are absent – it is well-known fact: adults can’t see any magic!)

10 сент. 2012 г.

Photographer Sergey Krush

                                      Evening glow in Crimea -  colors of tropic!

Needlework from Olga Solodukha

He is not a glutton!
He is simply tasting - only one caviar-berry. And I am asking the question:
is this a real open-sandwich?
If yes – I am also tasting a piece!

8 сент. 2012 г.

Needlework from Olga Solodukha

Olga makes her sweet funny souvenirs with the technique of milling –
the most fluffy and homely technique of all known, may be.
Little Penguin is waiting for his master – the only, who will feed it with tasty fish and
takes for a wonderful walk – even at his own balcony.

Sevastopol Paintress Elena Melkova

Stylish about Paris.
Aquarelle. I like this interesting technique very much.
Some deliberately casual paintbrush strokes – and well-known shapes of
romantic city appear at the paper. 
It seems twisted from mist and violet petals.

Café-gallery “MadTea-party

News again from “Mad tea-party”!
New product for our customers: a spinach pie on an extremely thin pastry.
I am sure: this is Maddeningly tasty!!!

5 сент. 2012 г.

Cultural program for this month

September is now at the calendar. Autumn, school, summer season of rest and vacations is over...But look around: there are a lot of interesting events are waiting for us in Sevastopol. Cultural program for this month could satisfy even the most refined taste!

September 4th. Austrian Symphony Orchestra in the framework of Ukrainian tour performs at Sevastopol Center of Culture and Art - SCCA (Lenin street, 25). Concert includes music by W.A. Mozart and J.Strauss.

September 5th. At the same place "The World Talents" Fund will present us concert of Russian baritones from the State Academic Russian Grand Theatre - famous "The Bolshoy Theater": D.Skorikov, D. Gviniadze and S.Pljusnin. This concert "My melody is my love" is devoted to the 70th Jubilee of famous Russian opera singer Muslim Magomaev. I think, this should be a splendid show.

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  One more Stylish Interesting Person on our pages
Sevastopol Kendo-group Kensei 

The martial arts have its own very special style - in technics,
equipment, apparel, and also in behavior and etiquette...
Sevastopol group "Kensei" is studying Japanese swordsmanship
technics. Some weeks ago these guys had brought home three
sho-dan title from the International
Kendo Seminar being held in Kharkiv (Ukraine)!

Sevastopol swordsmen were certificated by the international
commission of the four leading Kendo masters from the European Kendo
Federation and by the head of this Federation Кendo Master Sumi
sensei (Kendo, 8th Dan, maximum for today in this martial art).
You can find more about this extremely beautiful and unique art and
about Sevastopol swordsmen at the group page in the social network

And for me very interesting was this information: Sevastopol
Kendo-group Kensei took part at the film by Sergey Bodrov-senior "The
Yakuza Daughter". Here you can find pictures from the film set.
To this film as a consultant was invited Iaido sensei Takasi Kuroki.
Actress Chika Arakava did all the trainings together with the Kensei
group in spite of the very cold weather during filming.

21 авг. 2012 г.

Sevastopol Paintress Elena Melkova

I was charmed with this landscape:
it is at the same time so realistic and so airy-joyful. It is easy to imaging myself walking by the old streets of Prague, breathing its’ fresh air, visiting numerous sweet shops…
It is so real, but so dreaming at once…

Café-gallery “MadTea-party

‘Mad Tea-party’ delight us with the renewed lasagna.
If you are curious enough, on the café’s site you can find some curious facts about the term “lasagna”. And when you move from the internet space of  “Mad tea-party’ to the real one, you will be impressed by its interior.
It is not café, it is the Cheshire Cat’s house – slightly mad,
but at the same time very wise!

Photographer Sergey Krush

An autumn of amber and gold,
filigree worked out every tree, every stone and a river.
It seems that every leaf, twig and blade of grass – everyone has its own voice.
And all these piccolo voices are merging into the harmony-sounded chorus. 

You can easily call this photography painting…
or melody of colors – at your own choice.

2 авг. 2012 г.

Congratulations to everybody!
 Today on the July 29th Sevastopol celebrates the double holiday: Holiday of the Ukrainian Fleet and holiday of the Russian Navy.
The city of Sevastopol is a naval city from its foundation, it was a hero naval base at the World War II and in the USSR period; now it is a base for two national Navies – Russian and Ukrainian one. Thus the Fleet Day here is almost equal to the city birthday and we celebrate it with a proper range and enthusiasm. How is invited to the fest – everybody from local citizens to visitors from all parts of the Ukraine and from abroad. Tickets to Sevastopol for this day are usually bought up weeks before.

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Sevastopol Paintress Elena Melkova

Let me assume:
these are cocktail cups – for mint refreshing mojito,
or chilly strawberry mojito…
for something very-very summer anyway.

31 июл. 2012 г.

Our today week-end rout travel is: Cape Fiolent - St. George’s Monastery - Jasper Beach

Sure, the best time for this route is summer: sea-swimming at Fiolent is simply amazing!
To get to the point is quite easy: by autobus #3 from the bus stop at the “Balaklava Roadway, 5th km” and from square “50th Anniversary of the USSR” or by autobus #19 from square “50th Anniversary of the USSR”. Get out at the bus stop “St. George’s Monastery” and follow the signs. Moreover, at summer time every 2 hours there is boat from Balaklava that brings the most lazy travelers right to the beach. But if you are a real traveler in your soul, you’ll pass this entire route on your own. And you will be rewarded with the unforgettable impressions!

Now we are at the bus stop “Monastery”. A dirt road is passing up, twisting among private cottages and finishing at the wide tableland. On the left you can see the St. George’s Monastery. For a long time it was in rather neglected conditions, but at the last years it is again restoring and re-building.
The first view-point is situated right at the top of the tableland more than 200m above the sea level. Perfect view: blue half-circle of the bay framed with emerald green trees. On the right the motley horn of the Cape Fiolent is piercing the sea. This Cape provides its name to the all region around it. Two rocks in the sea near it – The Orestes and The Pylades – are from black stone, but seems whitish because the deposit of salt on it. On the left you can see the golden cupola of the Monastery’s temple. And in the center of the bay, like a folded back of the huge animal, stands on the St. Appearing Rock. The big, 7 meters high, cross stands on the top of it.
Let me tell you some details about this place.

Café-gallery “MadTea-party”

Shifting broadcast channels this evening I was stumbled
at the play-by-play reportage from Bolshaya Morskaya str. #12:
Attention to everybody! Hot news from the “Mad tea-party”! For the first time in our café a new hit: delicate cream puffs! You can think: just usual puffs, nothing special…
But! This is the cream puffs!!!
This is divinely!!! I’ve tasted it yesterday, and now I am strongly convinced:
the real luxury exist! 
Extremely successful combination of classic milk pudding and mascarpone cheese creates a new Universe – Universe of Unique cream taste! And you can mix this Universal puffs with anything you like: coffee, tea, even hot chocolate!”

The reportage was finished, radio station broadcasts some music, and I am
still thinking: should 
I order 5 Unique Universal cream puffs…or may be only 3.
Summer is coming soon, I should keep myself well-shaped!.. Look at the calendar, look at the thermometer and decide: summer can wait a bit, I’ll order SEVEN!!!